League Format and Structure

League Duration:

  • The league runs for 7 weeks.


  • A total of 8 teams participate in one league

  • Each team competes once per week.

  • Each game lasts 30 minutes.

Determining the Winner:

  • League Champion: The team with the best record at the end of the 7 weeks is crowned the champion.

  • Tiebreaker: If teams have identical records, a final game will be played to determine the winner.

  • Prizes: The winning team will receive a trophy and a cash prize.

Media Coverage

Media Coverage:

  • Game Footage: Full game footage will be available on the website.

  • Social Media Highlights: Highlights will be shared across IBL’s Instagram and TikTok.

Game Format Overview

Game Duration:

  • Each game lasts for 30 minutes.

Shot Clock:

  • Teams have a 24-second shot clock.

Scoring System:

  • Standard 2-point and 3-point shots are utilised.

  • The team with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner.

  • In the event of a tie, a jump ball at the centre court will decide possession, with the next point determining the winner.

Fouls and Free Throws:

  • Free throws are awarded for shooting fouls. While this may slow the game, it maintains the professionalism of the sport.

  • Only significant fouls are penalised, avoiding disruptions from minor infractions.


  • Professional referees will officiate all games to ensure fair play and strict adherence to the rules.