League Format and Structure
League Duration:
The league runs for 7 weeks.
A total of 8 teams participate in one league
Each team competes once per week.
Each game lasts 30 minutes.
Determining the Winner:
League Champion: The team with the best record at the end of the 7 weeks is crowned the champion.
Tiebreaker: If teams have identical records, a final game will be played to determine the winner.
Prizes: The winning team will receive a trophy and a cash prize.
Media Coverage
Media Coverage:
Game Footage: Full game footage will be available on the website.
Social Media Highlights: Highlights will be shared across IBL’s Instagram and TikTok.
Game Format Overview
Game Duration:
Each game lasts for 30 minutes.
Shot Clock:
Teams have a 24-second shot clock.
Scoring System:
Standard 2-point and 3-point shots are utilised.
The team with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner.
In the event of a tie, a jump ball at the centre court will decide possession, with the next point determining the winner.
Fouls and Free Throws:
Free throws are awarded for shooting fouls. While this may slow the game, it maintains the professionalism of the sport.
Only significant fouls are penalised, avoiding disruptions from minor infractions.
Professional referees will officiate all games to ensure fair play and strict adherence to the rules.